Sunday, January 11, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting # 11

This painting is # 11 for the 30 IN 30 Challenge. It is called "Light on the Marsh". The view for this painting is in Freeport, Maine. At the end of Cove Road is a wonderful marsh which I love to paint. 8" x 8" oil on linen. Thank you for reading this post!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting #10

This painting is #10 for the 30 IN 30 Challenge. It is called "Water's Edge". The view for this painting is at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth, Maine.  This past Fall I noticed that some brush trimming had been done close to the water and I liked the view. 8" x 8" oil on linen. Thank you for reading this post!

Saved by Pipe Insulation!

My hand started hurting from all this daily painting so I cushioned my palette knife with pipe insulation. Works like a charm!

Friday, January 9, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting # 9

This painting is called " Islands by the Cove". It is painting #9 for the 30 IN 30 Challenge. The view for this painting is in Harpswell, Maine. This view is directly across the street from the Harpswell Town Hall.  8" x 8" oil on linen. Thank you for reading this post!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting #8

This painting is called "Tide Pool and Clouds". It is painting #8 of the 30 IN 30 Challenge. The view for this painting is in Kennebunkport, Maine at Turbat's Creek. The day that I was there I noticed how the water was a soft blue-green. It was a cloudy day but there was a hint of possible clearing. Most of the paintings that I have posted lately were done on canvas. This one is oil on a linen panel that measures 8" x 8". Thank you for reading this post!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting #7

This painting is called "Sun and Shade". It is painting #7 of the 30 IN 30 Challenge. The view for this painting is on Peaks Island, Maine.  I enjoyed painting this summer scene while in my warm studio. It is so cold outside right now! One summer day my husband and I took the ferry from Portland to Peaks Island. We rented some bikes and explored the island. I took lots of reference photos for future paintings. For this painting I was inspired by the warm sunlit areas and the cool shadow areas. 8"x 8" oil on canvas. Thank you for reading this post!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

30 IN 30 - Painting #6

This painting is called "Sunrise Before the Rain".  It is painting #6 of the 30 IN 30 Challenge. The view for the painting is Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I was there early, before sunrise, to set-up my tent for the annual Labor Day Art Show at Fort Williams. It ended up raining for a bit after sunrise.  Then it turned out to be a pretty nice day! 8" x 8" oil on canvas. Thank you for reading this post!

Monday, January 5, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting #5

This painting is called "Waiting for Sunset". It is painting #5 of the 30 IN 30 Challenge. The view for this painting is on Monhegan Island, Maine. The lawn at the Island Inn is a great place to watch the sunset. 8"x 8" oil on canvas.  Thank you for reading this post!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge - Painting #4

This painting is called "Distant Trees". It is painting #4 of the 30 IN 30 Challenge. The view for this painting is in Kennebunk, Maine. It is from Parsons Beach Road. I was inspired by the trees silhouetted against the sky. It measures 8" x 10" and is painted with oils on a cradled birch panel. Thank you for reading this post!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

30 In 30 Challenge - Painting #3

This painting is called, "Spring Tide". It is painting #3 of the 30 In 30 challenge. I painted this from reference photos that I took in the Spring. The view for this painting is in Yarmouth, Maine. I was standing on the causeway between Cousins Island and Littlejohn Island. I was inspired by the green grass of Spring as it brightened in the sunlight. 8" x 8" oil on canvas. Thank you for reading this post!

Friday, January 2, 2015

30 In 30 Challenge - Painting #2

This painting is called, "Sunlit Mist".  It is painting #2 of the 30 IN 30 Challenge.  I painted this in my studio from reference photos that I took in June.  The view for this painting was a marsh in Bass Harbor near Bar Harbor, Maine.  I was inspired by the sun gently tinting the mist that surrounded the mountain.

This painting will be added to my Etsy shop. Because it is an oil painting it will take a few weeks to dry. Just click this link and you can see more information about the painting. Thank you for reading this post!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

30 IN 30 Challenge

I've joined Leslie Saeta's Thirty Paintings in 30 Days challenge for January.  Leslie says that 810 artists from 23 countries will be painting 30 paintings in 30 days!

My goal is to complete this challenge by painting small landscapes that include some imagery of water.  Here is my painting for January 1, 2015.  It is called, "Island in the Marsh". 6"x 6" Oil on canvas.  This is one of my favorite places to paint.  It is hidden away behind a church in Harpswell, Maine.  I was inspired by the golden grasses of September.

I will be adding some of my challenge paintings to my Etsy Shop.  Because I am using oil paint the paintings will take about three weeks to dry.  If interested you can check my Etsy Shop and read the "ready to ship" info for each painting. Thank you for reading this post!